Thank you for your interest in NPI’s FREE Educational Webinars!
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What is Webinar Training?
NPI’s Educational Webinar Training is a live event that includes presentations with an expert speaker and an interactive question & answer period. Thousands of personal trainers/group instructors, athletic trainers, physical therapists, chiropractors, consumers, and health/medical/fitness professionals attend our FREE live Webinars.
**Please Remember: Only the first 100 people who login to the webinar on the assigned time/day will be able to attend this webinar.
Webinar Topic Areas May Include:
Posture Assessments on clients/patients
Performing Exercise Movements Correctly
Corrective Posture Exercises
Developing a successful health/fitness business
Exercise science-related research studies
Becoming an NPI Affiliate Site
Exercise/rehab program design
Becoming an NPI-Certified Posture Specialist
Posture-Based Assessment/Business Model
Benefits of our Free Webinars:
Informational: Thousands of busy allied fitness/health professionals and individual consumers are using our webinars as a great way to learn valuable new information and education about the health, fitness, and exercise field. Webinars are 30 to 60-minute in length; designed to fit into your busy schedule
Expert Advice: Learn from well known national and international experts in the areas of exercise program design, human movement, health/fitness research, sports performance, nutrition, and fitness management.
No Special Equipment needed: A telephone and computer with access to the Internet is all the equipment you need. Use a speakerphone and as many people as you want can listen in and watch.
They're convenient: No airlines. No travel. No time out of the office to attend a conference. Listen from the comfort and convenience of your desk.
I really enjoyed the webinar and have high regard for NPI.
I have been in the fitness industry for more than 25 years with a BS in Wellness Leadership from the University of South Florida in Tampa. Two years ago, when I moved to a small town in England, Henley on Thames, I found that everyone taught the same class, it became very competitive to teach, so I designed my own class. I now teach Posture Perfection classes with great success, the focus being functional movements to develop the foundation for good posture and balance.
My husband and I have decided to return to the U.S., my home state is Florida. I look forward to the workshop in January, a great start to the New Year and perhaps an opportunity will arise to teach for NPI. - Cathleen Shears, BS, MA
Join NPI’s FREE Educational Webinar Program:
Join NPI’s FREE Educational Webinar Program and start the process to learn how to exercise and design exercise programs for yourself, clients/patients, or if you are a health/fitness professional looking to get your staff of personal trainers/group exercise instructors (TRX, Pilates, Yoga, Zumba, etc…), physical therapists, athletic trainers, chiropractors, and others educated while at home or in your place of business.
A word from the Executive Director regarding NPI's Webinars